
Blanche de Castille Classes

Blanche de Castille Classes

Blanche de Castille Classes is an initiative association (ASBL) stemming from the desires of a group of parents to give a complete and personalized education to their children. The project, in progress since 2016, began officially in September 2018. The idea is to maintain a small structure, in order to remain halfway between a standard school and homeschooling. The goal is to have an important impact on the education of the children by giving them the academic and human tools so that they become responsible, engaged, and well-informed adults.   Currently, 18 children are educated in a home situated in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. The school received a donation in 2019 from the ‘Alcuin Funds’ for its arrangement and equipment.

The principal motivations since the project’s launch are: a high level education (personalized education), an alternative education (small groups which facilitate the responsibility, autonomy, and initiative of the child), education through artistic and musical activities, as well as manual activities.

A complete education is what is pursued, while respecting the personality of each child. The education proposed is structured and structuring, and respectful of the cerebral and neural functioning of the student.

For each academic level, a program of knowledge is prepared. This program is maleable as it needs to be adapted to the circumstances and the personality of each child.

The students learn to communicate with their surroundings, in a composed manner. The rules of comportment and discipline are forefront. A weekly resolution permits the establishment of good habits. The development of liberty is favorised by « the preventative method » of Saint Jean Bosco which weighs on the benevolent surveillance and mutual confidence between the adults and the children.

The classes are inspired by the Montessori Method as well as the pedagogy of Charlotte Mason (“living books” and narration). These two pedagogies emphasize contact with nature, manual work, as well as the autonomy and respect of the child :

The blending of ages is prioritized, which is very enriching and creates a familial atmosphere : the older children care for their younger counterparts, and the younger children learn from their elders.

Music classes occupy a large part of the schedule of the children. (music theory, instrument lessons, music history, choir, and voice). The teachers are formed according to the musical pedagogy WARD.

French occupies a choice position as it is important that all of the students speak, read, understand and write perfectly. It is an indispensable condition to an intellectual, rich and free life. The learning of reading begins in the maternelle simultaneously with writing following an alphabetical and syllabic method. These teachings are perfected thanks to daily phonological, phonetical and graphical recognition exercises, of graphism, copying, and reading. The acquisition of spelling is made through the practice of written dictations, or the manipulation of mobile letters.

The students have several seances of a second live language (choice of English, Flemish, Spanish) leaving the priority to French. We begin with essentially oral learning to transition to written beginning in Primary 4th.

Maths begin with the concrete and quickly necessitate abstraction. The link of real-abstract is developed from the beginning, through visualization. All rules and properties are explained and demonstrated before being applied, thanks to observation, manipulation, and reflection exercises.

The teaching of History is chronological, that of geography, descriptive and physical. The natural sciences develop the capacity of observation, manipulation, and reflection. These materials develop the general culture of the child and nourish their curiosity.

The artisanal workshops proposed , like chocolate making, sewing, wool working, or the art sciences. The manual works are often in relation to the geography, science, and history lessons. They permit the development of, among other things, the fine motor skills of the children. Excursions or workshops at the school are organized so that the children become familiar with techniques and careers so that they better understand the world in which they live.

The proper development of the children and their good coordination are also developed through physical exercise and in particular dance and sport classes. Psychomotricity is proposed to the youngest, especially for those who have particular needs. A weekly sport class permits the children to exercise their vigor, agility, and endurance in joy and good humour. Ballet and flamenco are also proposed for girls starting at 4 years old.

News :

  • A beautiful library is under construction in order to furnish reading material, a cultural base, and to stimulate the desire for learning in the students.
  • An expansion project in the coming years all while maintaining a small structure.
  • In September 2021, the opening of 4th and 5th primary grades.


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